Now Online : Praise Party – 3pm Sunday 19th July 2020

Praise Party is now online!

Praise Party is especially for families with children under 11. Do join us.

There will be songs and puppets, dance and craft.

Why not dress up in bright colours and make yourself a pretend microphone to sing into or a guitar ready to play?!


Resources – get ready for the party!

You will need to print the 2 items below for the craft session. Click on them to open the pages to print. 

Paper House

Prayer House


Paper House

For the Paper House you will need scissors, coloured pencils (or wax crayons) and sticky tape (or Pritt-Stik or paper clips).

You will also need the Memory Verse: Matthew 7:24: Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.

Prayer House

For the Prayer House you will also need a piece of A4 card or the side of a cereal box, 2 sheets of A4 paper, ruler and pencil, scissors and sticky tape


Photo Challenge

After the party you will want to try the photo challenge by sending snaps of the following items :

  • Your craft creations
  • a rock
  • a house
  • some sand
  • some water
  • something or someone that/who has been a blessing to you in the last few weeks.

Send them to :

They will be posted on Facebook or the Website so please don’t include children unless you are happy for them to appear on social media.

Next Praise Party Date!! : Sunday 11th October 2020 3pm.

All Saints is for Sharing!