We are committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults. We recognise the importance of following good safeguarding procedures and have adopted the Church of England’s “Promoting a Safer Church” Safeguarding policy. The policy is displayed in both entrances to our church premises, and can be found online here. The Church of England handbook on safeguarding can found here.
If you have any queries or concerns please contact:
Our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Janet Harsent: Tel: 01634 404046
e-mail: janetharsent@btinternet.com
or our Priest in Charge: Rev Dr Jenny Warrington Tel: 07981 942760
e-mail: revjennywarrington@gmail.com
If you or someone you are concerned about is in immediate danger, please call the police on 999. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm, please contact one of our Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers (office hours):
- Greg Barry- Lead Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
07585 952174
email: greg.barry@rochester.anglican.org - Caroline Smith – Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
07768 036590
email: caroline.smith@rochester.anglican.org - Anthony Glockling – Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
07825 315748
email: anthony.glockling@rochester.anglican.org
The Rochester Diocesan Safeguarding Team is available Monday to Friday 08:00 – 17:00 (excluding bank holidays).
For safeguarding advice outside of these hours please see the following options:
- For non-urgent enquires email the Diocesan Safeguarding Team who will respond as soon as possible during office hours.
- For urgent safeguarding advice contact your local social services, out of hours contacts can be found on their websites.
- If someone is at risk of immediate harm contact the police on 999
For more general support:
- Safe Spaces is an independent service supporting survivors of church-related abuse. The Safe Spaces initiative is funded by the Church of England together with the Catholic Church in England and Wales and the Church in Wales. It is free to access via telephone – 0300 303 1056 (answerphone available outside of opening times) or visit: www.safespacesenglandandwales.org.uk