Prayer Festival at Rochester Cathedral: Booking details

Diocesan Spirituality Network’s Prayer Festival.

Saturday 22nd September 2018 Rochester Cathedral, from 10am to 2.30pm. 

A message from the Bishop of Rochester:


Dear Brothers and Sisters

Our Focus on Prayer

The level of participation in the Archbishops’ Thy Kingdom Come global wave of prayer has been hugely encouraging with over 300 prayer events having taken place across our Diocese.  There has been a strong sense of igniting a spirit of prayerfulness, as we have joined in praying for others to come to faith and for the transformation of our communities.

From prayer walks and quiet days, to workshops on different forms of prayer and 24/7 prayer rooms, events took place that brought different prayer traditions and denominations together.  Our Cathedral itself became a giant visual prayer for the Diocese with displays from every deanery.

Prayer Festival 2018

Embedding prayer as the foundation for all we do in the Diocese and deepening our relationship with God, are key strands in ‘Called Together’, our shared diocesan vision.

Building on the momentum and thirst shown for prayer in all its forms during Thy Kingdom Come, I am therefore delighted to invite you to the Diocesan Spirituality Network’s Prayer Festival. This will take place on Saturday 22nd September 2018, at Rochester Cathedral, from 10am to 2.30pm.

The day will focus on exploring the rich traditions of Christian prayer available today including:

  • • Praying with web resource;
  • • Praying with poetry; and
  • • Praying with images and music

There will be time for worship, for teaching on prayer from speakers such as Philip Hesketh, Dean of Rochester Cathedral, and for workshops offering the opportunity to experience different ways of praying in order to deepen our encounters with God.

Who is it for?

Every person has their own way of praying: there are no rights and wrongs. This day is open to all those who may still be searching for a way that suits them or for those looking for help in those moments when inspiration has run dry.  It’s also a day to equip those who want to help others to pray.

So, there will be workshops exploring how to use different ways of prayer within a group setting, how to create a prayer space, organise a week of accompanied prayer, and how to provide Prayer Ministry.


Please put the date in your diary.  For full details and to book your workshops, click here.  A donation of £6 per person is requested to cover costs.

So please take this opportunity…

In my video message ahead of Thy Kingdom Come I spoke about what we might be praying for when we say ‘Thy Kingdom Come’.  I suggested that we are praying not only for the coming in of God’s kingdom in the whole world and in the life of the Church, but also for the fresh flowering of the things of the Kingdom in our own lives day by day.

I therefore encourage you to take this opportunity to be refreshed and supported in your prayer life through the Prayer Festival as we seek together, the coming in of God’s Kingdom in our midst.

With my prayers and good wishes,

James, Bishop of Rochester


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