The next Lunch Club is on Wednesday 3rd May at 1pm in the Church Hall.
Menu: Boiled Bacon
followed by: Apple Crumble
Lunch Club has run for over 30 years at All Saints and is still a popular choice for people to spend the first and third Wednesday of the month.
The opportunity to lunch with ‘old and new’ friends alike and to be entertained afterward with a speaker or by playing some games helps pass the time away. In our newly equipped kitchen we are able to provide mouth-watering meals that even Jamie Oliver would be proud of at the reasonable price of just £2.50.
The club is open for all those over the age of 45 years and we welcome anyone from the Chatham area.
Lunch Club also offers the following activities and help:
Library Service offers a book lending service at the club
Online centre : you may wish to join one of our introductory courses to learn how to email or surf the web! This facility is open to you to either send or receive electronic mail or to look up information on the internet.
If you would like to join us for Lunch or would like further information, please contact the Church Office on 01634 845419 for details.