Part time (21 hours per week)
2 days working in the office based in Strood the remaining time will normally be worked outside of the office carrying out specific duties.
The purpose of the role is to lead, manage and direct all aspects of this Charity, to fulfil its mission to support and provide for local people in poverty and crisis.
The successful candidate will:
- • Maintain and develop good channels of communication with stakeholders, including the Local Authority, Statutory organisations, funders, local press, local businesses, local churches and the food supply routes.
- • Lead the development and delivery of the main Christian activities of the Charity.
- • Be representing the Christian purpose of the organisation, which will include speaking, preaching and advocating on its behalf.
- • Need to be a communicant member of a Christian Faith Church due to the genuine requirement of the role.
Further details including Job Description and application form (no c/vs please) are available via e-mail from
Or by post to A West, The Vines Church, The Terrace, Rochester ME1 1XN (Please mark Private & Confidential)
Closing date for applications 30th May 2018
Vacancy: General Manager of Help in the Community (HELP) encompassing Medway Foodbank