The Christingle Service was an online service on 3.30pm on Sunday, 13th December.
We’re so sorry that something went wrong with the live-stream part way through our Christingle Service and for the disappointment that this must have been for everyone who was watching.
Jenny and Awesome Andy re-recorded their talk, telling the Christingle story, and that is now available to watch on our YouTube channel below.
The first part of the service can also be viewed by clicking on the Christingle animation : ‘What is a Christingle?’ lower down on the page.
We do hope you enjoy watching both “Part 1” and “Christingle take 2!”
Many thanks to Jenny and Awesome Andy!
The orange – represents the world
The red ribbon (or tape) – symbolises the love and blood of Christ
The sweets and dried fruit – represent all of God’s creations
The lit candle – represents Jesus’s light in the world, bringing hope to people living in darkness.